About Tonic
The origin of the word TONIC: In the Mid 17th century: from French tonique, from Greek tonikos ‘of or for stretching’, from tonos.
A medicinal substance taken to give a feeling of vigour or well-being.
Something with an invigorating effect.
Giving a feeling of vigour or well-being; invigorating.
Relating to or restoring normal tone to muscles or other organs.

Des Morrow
Tonic WorkHealth was founded by Physiotherapist Des Morrow who has more than 25 years experience in both Sports and Occupational injury management. Des has been an Injury Management Advisor within a Worker’s compensation insurance company. Des has worked with not only high level sporting people and sports medicine experts but also with some of Australia’s largest companies. Des was a senior consultant with InjuryNET Australia, helping set up Australia’s largest occupational injury treatment and pre-employment medical group. Client companies include Coles Group – OfficeWorks, Coles Supermarkets, Liquorland, Target, K-Mart, retail and warehousing across Australia. Australia Post, Boral – (Cement, Timber, Scaffolding, Windows), Nestle, Aldi, Franklins, Brisbane City Council, Collex, Veolia, Schenker Australia, Woolworths, Country Energy, Spotless Group, Road Traffic Authority, David Jones, Carter Holt Harvey, Myer, Star Track Express, Tyco Fire & Security, Dept. Environment & Conservation. We have also worked with Amcor, Phillip Morris, Pilkington Glass, Nylex Industries, Ford Australia, Cadbury Schweppes, Visy Industries, DHL, Mercedes Benz, and more…
Sports experience includes 3 years working at Prahran Sports Medicine Centre with Sports Medicine Physicians Dr Peter Larkins, Dr Gary Zimmerman (Bulldogs Football club Chief Medical Officer), Dr Peter Braun (Chief Medical Officer for the Australian Winter Olympic teams) and others. Physiotherapy mentors at Prahran include Lynn Watson (Australia’s leading Shoulder Rehab Specialist) Bruce Conner (Essendon Football Club) and other great influencers. Here Des got to work with AFL and VFL clubs and players, time at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra and lectured for the Australian Sports Medicine Federation. Soon after Des held positions with National Sporting teams and provided Physiotherapy services for local, state, National and international events, including the World Cup Polo championships at the State Equestrian Centre, Australian Mens Softball Team, Womens Softball teams, State baseball and others. Des has worked in six different countries including England, Indonesia, Brunei, America, New Zealand and Australia treating a mixture of sporting and work injuries.
In 1996 Des went to the USA and qualified as an American Physical Therapist from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge Louisiana. (http://www.lsu.edu/) Des later completed a post-graduate Diploma in Mechanical Diagnosis and Treatment (of the spine) at the McKenzie Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota USA and worked across the US for 2 years. Upon return Des worked an Occupational Rehabilitation Consultant and then became a the Director of the Australian Spine Institute for 10 years which involved spinal injury research, publications, lecturing at Monash University and treatment of spine related pain disorders.
After owning and running several Melbourne based Physiotherapy clinics Des and his team are now focused on using advanced Sports Science knowledge to prevent and treat occupational injuries onsite in the workplace. In just one worksite in Melbourne Tonic WorkHealth look after the physical health of 600 employees. Tonic staff also run a gymnasium and create fitness and rehab programs. Des is also a Level 2 First Aider, is a certified Trainer & Assessor (TAFE level) and is certified in OHS/WHS.

Adam Shinasi
Adam is a senior manager within the Tonic WorkHealth group and has years of experience both in the clinic and onsite performing pre-employment medicals, Manual Handling training, Injury Treatments and rehabilitation. All Tonic staff are qualified in the prevention, assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries, pain and disorders.
If you would like to discuss what Tonic Workhealth could do for you and your company please Contact us.
Email: office @ tonicworkhealth.com.au
Thank you 🙂